torsdag 25 februari 2010

Conceptual Continuity

Here's some posts of mine I felt like saving. They're from the forumsection where people can post when they got new songs online and crave some attention.

A tune I uploaded
by Alex Rayman on Tue, Feb 23 2010 4:29 PM

A few days ago, after contemplating the pros and cons of suicide, I decided to sign up for an account and upload a tune onto Ubetoo instead. What do you guys think, is it any good, or should I have gone with the other option?


Here's the link:
Drill n´ base-like song uploaded
by Alex Rayman on Tue, Feb 23 2010 4:36 PM

Today after forcefeeding myself an entire roast beef accompanied by excessive amounts of mayonaise, I wrote a song that could possibly be labeled Drill n´ base and then I vomited all over my keyboard.

Does roast beef and creativity seem to go hand in hand, or should I look for another approach?

Here's the link: Pucks Pulka II

I killed a swan (with my bare hands!)
by Alex Rayman on Tue, Feb 23 2010 7:04 PM

Hey guys, I'm back again :D
Today I killed a swan for giving my GF the eye... Perhaps that sounds a bit strange, but for you guys living in Stockholm, it probably makes more sense when I tell you that I'm currently dating that old woman who has a swan-fetish. You probably read about her in the papers a while back?

After slaughtering this not-so-defenceless critter with my bare hands, my woman was a sobbing mess, so I went home to UL yet another two songs, and now it´s time to shamelessly advertise them!

Here´s the links: Som en krokus Birds
Do you think that killing the swan was wrong?

Dear diary!
by Alex Rayman on Wed, Feb 24 2010 11:42 PM

Dear diary!
Today after spanking my monkey senseless I still felt strangely empty and unfulfilled, but at first I really didn't have a clue as to what was bringing me down. After dismissing that it could have anything to do with my neglecting the dishes for so long, aswell as the incident the other day, where I killed a swan and cruelly left my retiree of a girlfriend in the middle of nowhere (oh well, a park near central stockholm), I realized that I hadn't uploaded a song onto Ubetoo for several hours.

Suddenly life was slightly less devoid of meaning!

What do you guys think, does the track Wonderous have any merits, or is it just about as stupid as expecting a reply in this forum? :P

Cheers everyone!
/Mishkin the Misanthropic Cat

Dear Diary#2
by Alex Rayman on Thu, Feb 25 2010 1:46 AM

Dear Diary,
Today before going to sleep I uploaded yet another song, and in light of recent events I decided to dedicate it to my patient and loving girlfriend, the crazy lady with a swan fetish. She ain't much of a girlfriend, but she's the only one I've got, and as my friend Yasmine often points out, beggars can't be choosers.

So here it is, a tribute to my beloved, suitingly entitled "wonderwoman (can you dance to this?)"

Ofcourse she can't, she's got arthritis.

So how about it ppl, would you consider this latest track of mine an asset on your Ipods, or is it just about as indulgent and self-absorbed as my forumposts?

/Mishkin the Misanthropic Cat, AKA Rayman

More conceptual continuity may be posted shortly... Peace out ppl!
Hey people. 2010 has been a rather intense year so far, believe it or not. Studies, a premature move to a new, more central apartement, work of different kinds, and it looks as though I'll be writing music for a movie short, allthough that's still in what I'd consider it's initial stages.

A few weeks ago I uploaded an technotune of sorts, "Puck Pulka II", and now I'm slowly migrating from Reverbnation to Ubetoo with all my material. I intend to keep the reverbnation account, but with only excerpts available and it won't be my primary showcase anymore.

What Ubetoo has to offer is simply superior atm.

The records I announced in my first or so post will probably be delayed, atleast some of them.

Lately I've uploaded some new (and some old) tracks. Above all I'd like to mention "Drunkard" and "Oh No! (Emone Mix)" - The former previously unreleased, the latter hietherto available only as a preview. Last in this post, I should mention that I signed up for a "Summer hit" competition with "To hermeto", though i renamed it "Love summer, hate hits" to fit the occasion.

Dig iT!