tisdag 17 augusti 2010

New maxisingle release and Don't Buy From Napster

The time has come to release the second Mishkin CD, a Maxisingle entitled "All Rights Reserved".

Oh No, I don't Believe it (2 versions) 
Wonderwoman, can you dance to this (Previously unreleased version) 
Pucks Pulka IV (Previously unreleased version) 
Don't kill the poodle Larry

Total playing time: Approximately 30 minutes 

Front sleeve for "All Rights Reserved"

Later this autumn I'm planning on releasing a full lengther with tracks from the first mishkin singles "One" and "All Rights Reserved" alongside a few as of yet unreleased tracks . 

Working title for this full-length release so far is "Mishkin the misanthropic cat says go fuck yourself" :P

Things ARE happening :D 

Back sleeve for "All Rights Reserved"

I checked my track sales today, and i'd lie if I said they where impressive, but it's still more than I would have thought. 20 somthing Mp3 downloads sold over the last coupple of months. However, since they where mostly sold on Napster, I could have given them away instead.

I make a staggering $0.70 for a track sales on I-tunes, (I hope you noticed me being ironic just now?) but only $0.02 on Napster. Even more of the revenues would reach me if people where to buy my tracks straight from my Reverbnation store .. so plz ppl, if you're going to support my music, please do it there :)

Napster comes along with a distro package on reverbnation, so I can't get rid of this service  without simultaneously loosing access to other distributors :(

Inside Book (back) "All rights reserved"

Thanks to the talented fractal artist Golubaja for letting me use her fractal "Ripping from inside" in the back sleeve design.

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